Below you will find our mini-courses across a range of issues that impact on safe, fair and inclusive sport. The idea behind each mini-course is to give you an introduction into a specific topic. They are not like the regular Play by the Rules courses that go into more depth over broader issues. These mini-courses  are short, sharp topic specific courses, with all the same kind of interactive features and quizzes as the longer courses. 

Typically, each mini-course takes around 30-45 mins to complete. At the end of each mini-course you can download your certificate of completion. Take a look and start a mini-course today.  

We have a number of new mini-courses under development so please revisit and share this page with your friends and colleagues. 

  • COVID-19

    COVID-19 image

    Given the evolving nature of COVID-19 – this mini course is no longer applicable.

    For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Official Australian Government information

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  • Parents' Guide to Clean Sport

    Parents Guide to Clean Sport course image

    This mini-course is designed to help parents enhance their children’s knowledge of how to protect themselves in their sport or career against performance enhancing drugs and drug use. You will gain a better understanding of the important role you play in teaching your children respect for and appreciation of the true spirit of sport and be able to inform your children about how to protect themselves in their sport career in relation to performance enhancing drugs and drug use.

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  • Let Kids be Kids

    Let kids be Kids online course

    The Let Kids be Kids mini-course addresses poor sideline behaviour at junior sport. You will learn about what motivates kids participation in sport; you'll be able to identify what poor behaviour is; how to address poor behaviour if it occurs and also take into consideration the views and opinions of children and young people. 

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  • Introduction to the Integrity of Sport

    Integrity of Sport mini-course

    This mini-course will provide an overview of the issues around the integrity of sport, how they occur, why they occur and some of the things that have been done to address them. Ideal starting point to help community clubs understand and protect the integrity of sport. 

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  • Ethics and Ethical Decision Making in Sport

    Ethics and Ethical Decision Making in sport

    How do we better prepare people to make well-informed, ethical decisions in regard to their involvement with sport in a world where performance and image enhancing drugs, illegal gambling, match fixing, sexism, homophobia, racism and corruption are commonplace? This mini-course is part of the Integrity in Sport mini-series.

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  • Walking the Talk - Putting Integrity into Action

    Walking the Talk mini-course

    The Walking the Talk mini-course, is part of the Integrity in Sport series of mini-courses. This mini-course is designed to get you thinking about integrity and how it can be recognised and improved in a community sport setting. 

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