Thanks for visiting this page and for your interest in promoting Play by the Rules.  

When you sign up will find different ways to promote Play by the Rules, it's resources and campaigns. Your participation is entirely up to you. Remember, Play by the Rules is a non-profit government supported initiative with the sole objective of supporting safe, fair and inclusive sport and recreation at the community level. So the more people and organisations that get behind these ideals, the better it will be for everyone.

There are two ways you can promote Play by the Rules - informally or formally as a signed up partner. An informal partner is if you simply want to promote Play by the Rules generally, through banners, our promotional video or simply placing our logo on your website and linking back to Play by the Rules. Over 2,000 sports organisations already do that. 

If you want to get involved in specific campaigns - such as Let Kids Be Kids - and receive promotional updates - then sign up below:


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Please be aware that original Play by the Rules material is licensed under a Creative Commons License that allows you to adapt the work to your own needs as long as there is attribution of Play by the Rules as the original source. All Play by the Rules material is licensed for non-commercial use. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.