Boy looking sad

Safe and enjoyable sport and recreation experiences are the right of every Australian child. Keeping children and young people safe is a priority and everyone’s responsibility. Let’s help your sport or recreation organisation keep kids safe.

  • Community Child Safe Sport

    Kids stretching on grass

    Clubs need a range of strategies in place to keep children safe in sport. Many people associate child safety with employment screening, like working with children checks. But that’s only one of many ways to help keep children safe. 

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  • Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport Induction course

    Child Protection course

    This free online course is for players, volunteers, coaches, officials and administrators in sport. The course is to designed to help you understand Safeguarding Children and Young People in your sport, including the Children and Young People Safe Practices, and how to recognise and respond to possible breaches.

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  • Child Safe Sport in each State or Territory

    Thumbnail image of sports administrator

    In Australia, each state and territory has child safety laws that set out responsibilities for both organisations and individuals who work or have contact with children. There is no national child safety system or legislation, so you’ll need to understand what’s required in each state or territory.

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  • Involve children and young people

    Kids at soccer training

    To help safeguard children, your club must ensure they participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.  

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  • Taking images or video of children at sporting events

    Man taking photos of children image

    Taking photographs or video of children is an area that many people feel uncomfortable about and do not know how to handle. There are some guidelines you can use to ensure your sport handles the issue appropriately.

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  • Additional Resources

    Kids swimming in pool

    Links to other child safety resources for sport and recreation clubs and organisations. 

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