Two people from different cultures doing fist pump

Several national sporting organisations are using 7 Pillars of Inclusion as the basis for their diversity and inclusion philosophy and activities in their sports. These include: Swimming Australia, Netball Australia and National Rugby League (with several other sports undergoing the process).

Swimming Australia is one of Australia’s leading national sports organisations, particularly in the inclusion space, where they have done a large amount of work over many years. Swimming Australia developed the Inclusive Swimming Framework (ISF) – a blueprint to guide Swimming Australia, its stakeholders and aquatic partners toward achieving full inclusion of people from a diverse array of circumstances and backgrounds in swimming and aquatic activities. The ISF incorporates the direction, thoughts and opinions of the swimming and aquatic community and aims to establish a consistent approach to planning and policy development for the swimming and aquatics sector. See Swimming Australia’s use of 7 Pillars of Inclusion at

For the game and its members to flourish and grow, netball clubs and associations needed to continue to identify and implement strategies to make their environments more accessible and inclusive for all. As a result, Netball Australia adopted the 7 Pillars of Inclusion model as the basis of an inclusive framework for its netball communities as part of its One Netball program. Netball Australia developed online resources, an online survey, an action handbook and Connected Clubs and Communities workshops to help clubs and association members learn more. To see their one-stop-shop for all the information, resources, templates and tools to master 7 Pillars of Inclusion, go to their Inclusion Hub at

As a result of a review conducted between 2016-17, the National Rugby League (NRL) developed an Inclusion Framework that brings together all of its strategies, policies, programs and partnerships in one place and in a clear and coherent way. The Framework outlines how the NRL will continue to work to promote participation and engagement across a diverse range of people that make up rugby league communities.

The Framework also highlights ways for members and clubs to get further involved in promoting inclusion and diversity across all levels of the game. As part of the review, they have also developed an Anti-Discrimination and Vilification Framework, bringing together all of the NRL’s member protection policies and codes of conduct in one place to ensure everyone involved in the sport is aware of their legal and ethical rights and responsibilities. The NRL’s Inclusion Framework includes an online Inclusion web-section, an Inclusion Action Manual, tools and resources and train-the-trainer resources for game and development officers to promote 7 Pillars of Inclusion and actions to take under each pillar. See the framework at

In Her Words

The ABC have produced a video series In Her Words to address gender equity issues in sport, as told through the stories of women in sport. These have been published across all their social platforms, along with accompanying articles. The video series can be viewed here. Below is an example of the quality of videos produced in this excellent series:


Interactive scenarios

Play by the Rules have developed several short interactive scenarios on inclusion and diversity in sport. These scenarios let you explore your understanding and beliefs about issues, as well as provide practical tips about inclusive practices in sport.

Religious Inclusion Scenario
An interactive scenario on how sports would include a person from a different cultural background into sport - click here to access

Inclusion of People with a Disability Scenario
An interactive scenario on how sports would include a person with a disability - click here to access.

Homophobia and Sexuality Discrimination Scenario
An interactive scenario on homophobia in sexuality discrimination in sport - click here to access.

Sex Discrimination and Harassment Scenario
A short scenario to help sports understand sex discrimination and harassment issues - click here to access.

Girls Play in Boy’s Teams Scenario
An interactive scenario on the issue of girls playing in boy’s teams - click here to access.

Case studies

In this section you will find videos of successful inclusion and diversity case studies within sport. We have our own Case Studies that provides many examples of clubs and associations that are doing great work to promote inclusion and diversity. 

Following is a collection of excellent cultural diverse video case studies that highlight different aspects of programs that are designed to include people from different cultural backgrounds.

Following are video case studies that focus on programs that include people with disability:

Research publications and resources

A comprehensive set of resources and tools are available to assist you and your club:

  • The Play by the Rules Templates section provides basic policies and guidelines your sporting club should have in place, such as member protection.
  • The free Play by the Rules online training teaches you how to prevent discrimination and harassment in your sport.
  • Check out the Interactive scenarios to learn how to deal with issues that may arise in your club.
  • Download some of the free Play by the Rules posters, flyers and postcards to promote safe, fair and inclusive sport in your clubhouse, stadium or playing field.
  • Join many other sports and support the Racism: It Stops with Me campaign, Our Watch’s campaign, You Can Play campaign, Male Champions of Change program or Fair Go Sport program.