The Member Protection Policy (MPP) is a core policy document for sports clubs and associations. While many clubs and associations 'default' their MPP to their state or national body policy, you might want to develop your own MPP as all circumstances are different. You can use this template as a starting point. 

**2021 UPDATE NOTICE** - please note that many of the templates and policies below were produced as guidance for sporting organisations a number of years ago and as such are currently under review to ensure they are up to date and reflect recent regulatory and legal changes to the community sport landscape. 

As soon as updated versions are available - they will be provided, together with links to up to date source material for your reference.  In the meantime however, please note that these templates are guidance only and remain a template starting point rather than a final document. 

It remains the responsibility of each individual club/sporting organisation to ensure that their club policies and procedures are contemporary, up to date and meet your compliance and legal requirements.  PBTR takes no responsibility for any content that is out of date or inaccurate due to the passage of time.

Member Protection Policy

Download the Member Protection Policy template