Your search for code of behaviour returned 166 results.

  • Play by the Rules and Sport Integrity Australia courses in one place

    We are delighted to announce that Sport Integrity Australia in partnership with Play by the Rules now houses their online training modules on the Sport Integrity Australia e-learning hub.
  • Western Australia child safety laws

    In Western Australia, key child safety responsibilities for sport and recreation relate to the working with children checks and reporting child abuse.
  • Tips for parents

    Research shows that parents are the most significant influence on the participation of young people in sport. They influence young peoples enjoyment, their self esteem and confidence. Here are some...
  • December 2019

    Feature articles include: Recreational athletes and the WADA Code in 2020 Remember the 'good news' stories Play by the Rules year in review
  • Got an Issue

    Being involved in a sporting club is never uneventful and conflict is inevitable in the competitive environment of sport. From time to time issues arise, for example - over decisions about membership...
  • MoU announcement between eSafety and Play by the Rules

    eSafety and Play by the Rules partnership promotes safe, fair and inclusive sport
  • What the David Beckham documentary tells us – and what it doesn’t – about controlling parents in sport

    In the Netflix documentary Beckham, the footballer is asked how he coped with the abuse of his entire country after the 1998 men’s football World Cup. David Beckham responds: “I was able...
  • Complaint Handling Course

    It's an unfortunate but inevitable part of sport - sometimes things can go wrong. People have a right to complain. The Complaint Handling course will help you and your club or association handle...
  • Inclusive Coaching Course

    Inclusive coaching is good coaching. This course will provide opportunities for community coaches to develop their own approach and strategies for inclusion with practical case studies and examples of...
  • Parents' Guide to Clean Sport

    This mini-course is designed to help parents enhance their children’s knowledge of how to protect themselves in their sport or career against performance enhancing drugs and drug use. You will...